Lingering pandemic challenges, rapidly rising prices, shortages, and more: nearly all of us are struggling with most or all of these issues and others. How can you even think about trying to save the Tulsa Skyride when you’re being stressed and strained just to keep your head above water each day? Under circumstances like these, the Tulsa Skyride may not seem to be all that important.
But the skyride is important to save, even though it’s hard to give it any thought or effort right now. Unfortunately, now is the time to step up to help save the Tulsa Skyride, or we could lose it forever.
While times now are difficult, it’s worth pausing long enough to do something to help save the skyride. Why bother? Well, the Tulsa Skyride is an important part of our history. It’s something unique that makes Tulsa more special. It’s part of our family traditions. It’s something that we’ve grown up with and have enjoyed for decades. It has filled small children with awe as they’ve looked down on the world while silently gliding above it. It’s something that people of all ages enjoy. It’s associated with fond memories of happiness and joy with family and friends. All of these things are worth something. And they are worth a lot.

Even while we’re struggling to make ends meet during difficult times, it’s important to do something to save the Tulsa Skyride so that it’s still there to enjoy when times are better. Losing it would diminish Tulsa and take some of the precious fun and good times out of our lives.
Let’s make sure that Tulsa does not lose the skyride. Go to our home page to see how you can take quick and easy actions to help save the Tulsa Skyride. You can make a difference. Your help to save the Tulsa Skyride is much appreciated!